beshnyerrr korang masuk blog. pepun, gambar ni di ambik masa ari sukan sekolah ari tu. ni ada 1 comment untuk korang, apasal korang posing depan longkang? wat malu skolah jerrr.he..he..jgn mare in, syera shahrom. just joking. x best kan hidup tanpa joke..he..he..
when i look to this pic... the girl on the right..lol..her face r totally like a goat...XD
woi,takde tmpt laen dah nak ambil gambar..apsal x dlm longkang je kau ambil...
GOD!!! what's wrong with you??!! dont talk bad about my friend.. i bet ur face look worse than a goat.. dont comment if you dont have any nice thing to comment.. n fyi everybdy is beautiful whether u like it or not!!!
this is 'comment' was meant to be.....
can u think?
even a star student cant understand wats the meaning of comment...
i bet u cant really understand wat the hell are u typing of..
who are you..? do you come from da same school as we are.. ? hopefully not.. just so you know, there is a difference between commenting and "kutuk".. by the way thanx alot 4 dropping by to our class's blog to 'kutuk' us.. we really appreciate ur existance.. ure so immature.. grow up dude..;p
-light of curing-
nurul syifa zulkornain...
(hope the spelling was rite..)
'kutuk' and 'puji' are comment from 1 to others..
brlapis la bodo nk maki2..ingat blog nie bapak ko yg punyer???
-ky-kazureii (3 al-razi)
wei!!! geramnyer aku!!! sape ni..? siap tau name penuh aku lagi nie.. arghh!! light of curing tu bukan aku r.. org lain.. ikut ske ati jer..;p nak balas tu pk la dulu.. wei.. x yah balas lar die punyer comment x de faedah.. die pon x de life datang blog ni tuk kutuk jer.. ni last comment aku reply balik malas nk layan..
marah giler syifa....
wei..blogmaster nie dh x active ke??
tmbh la gmbr...hok tule jer....
program class dh byk buat dh.. picture x tmbh2 jgk...
fyi..blog master ni balik kg 2 minggu. baru skrang bleh bukak internet. tu r pasal x leh upload ape2. pastu yg korang sume gaduh dlm ni ape kes?
owh..camne?? best x dok kg...
pasl gado2 nie..
baek blogmaster tanye syifa...
best sgt dok kg.
tanya syifa? apesal?
apesal name x tulis?
syifa jer yg beta ngan si huruf tu...
sori3.. xingat nk tulis..
bile terbace kat intro blog nie..
trpikir plak..
kn ade gmbr class..knp x ltak dlm blog nie??
kan sy dah letak..kat atas sekali. x nampak ek?
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