nak dengar lagu !

Friday, December 23, 2011


oh. today is 24th already. got a few days more to reach 2012. and we're going to be 19 years old. oh, cepatnya masa berlalu. pejam celik, pejam celik dah umur 19 kita nanti. then we all graduate. then kerja. then kawin! wohoo. i cant wait for marriage thing because i really want to go my friends wedding, not my mom's friends not my grandpa's friends wedding. but MY FRIENDSS. macam mana lah korang kawin kan. wearing awesome dress, make up, segak dan bergaya. woot woot.

let me take one example. one day, i received an invitation from fadzil *sorry, bro. nama kau tetiba muncul dapan ingatan ak :D* he will be married in 2weeks lagi. then, after 2weeks, i went to kemaman semata-mata nak tengok kawan ak kawin! im willing to travel 3hours journey just wanna meet your wife-to-be. LOL. be proud fadzil :D and the wedding ceremony opss i mean majlis akad nikah berlangsung. fadzil dengan bergaya nya with songkok plus keris di pinggang. cewahhhh. dengan penuh debaran fadzil pon duduk depan imam. his wife-to-be yang sangat cantik ada di belakang. aku ada dekat sebelah wife-to-be dia, sibuk nak mengadakan two ways communication even the ceremony will be started in several minutes. klik, klik, klik, klik. the sounds of cameras. with many flash from the camera makes fadzil more nervous. adrenaline released from adrenal gland. fadzil starts sweating. the girls sibuk-sibuk berborak dekat belakang. with the microphone close to fadzil's mouth, fadzil melafaskan akad nikah. wow! berdebar weh. ok, stop.

memandai je aku buat cerita pasal fazdil. LOL just joking around. no hard feelings k, bro :)ok, we're going 19 so thanks to The Creator because still gives us chances to live in this world. buat baik dengan semua and beribadat lah selalu sementara di dunia ini. jaga hubungan dengan The Creator, manusia, haiwan and alam sekitar :)

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