nak dengar lagu !

Friday, November 25, 2011

awal muharam :)

selamat menyambut awal muharam for muslems :).

since this blog dah lama gilak tak update, i volunteer untuk update this blog. ak pon tak nak blog ni terkubur macam 2 je. sayang. coz dah almost 4 years this blog exist kan.

dah hampir ends of 2011, means that everyone dah masuk university and form 6. now, 3razians have been spreading through all over malaysia ! ngehngehngeh. first, i admit that i don't have any idea what i wanna talk about. but i will try my best to mengarut for this update.

you all know that our friend, AIMA NABILA dah sambung belajar to Cairo, somewhere in Egypt. *google it if you want to know where it is located* sampai sekarang, i just tahu aima je yang ke foreign country. if there's also anybody else, do inform me. no hard feelings okey if i don't mention your name here. maklum la, i ni KATAK DI BAWAH TEMPURUNG. not up-to-date. weee~

Now, semua dah masuk semester baru. And I hope that your last semester’s result did satisfy you. Be happy with what you got. Don’t regret it just try to improve more from semester to semester. I know you can do it ! razians boleh ! *tetiba*

Oh. Lupa, about awal muharam ni. Jangan lupa untuk berdoa for akhir tahun nanti. Bila dah nak masuk magrib cepat-cepat doa. Semoga Allah mengampunkan dosa kita throughout this years. And after magrib, like usual, pray for the New Year. Azam baru bagai. Try to minimize dosa daripada tahun lepas. Hope you do it. because peluang ni hanya datang just once a year. Rugi if ade Muslims yg terlepas. SUMPAH sangat rugi. So, don’t miss this precious time  be alert Muslims !!

p/s : do forgive me if there's any grammar or tatabahasa error :) just for fun ;p

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