nak dengar lagu !

Monday, November 28, 2011

shhhuhh !

sshhhhhuhhhh ! shhhhuhhh ! semua masuk asrama/ college balik ! cuti awal muharam dah habis. esok masuk class. and there's no reason for you to absent the class except ill or emergency cases. i hope you don't ponteng-ponteng aaaa. if not i will kick ur bu** ! :p

by the way, please jangan ponteng class okey. seriously, kau akan rugi. terlepas apa yang lecturer ajar. then when you wanna ask your friend, they also in the process of learning so they don't know much about what they have learnt.After that, you have to go meet the lecturer to ask about the topic that you missed. Banyak kerja pulak kan? Leceh. Betul tak?

If you are willing to skip the class, then do it. You the one yang rugi sebab tak dapat ilmu, lecturer tak rugi. Because their income are still the same. Then you have to ask your friends and meet the lecturer bagai *if you are willing to do that*. It is your choice. You choose your way to succeed. You the one choose your own future, not your parents, grandparents, bf/gf, siblings or whatever. You grown up now so, think mature. *panjang pulak aku berleter HAHA*

p/s: If he loves you, he won't touch you. note this thing until u're married ;)

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