nak dengar lagu !

Friday, April 27, 2012

sunyi sepi

since there's no one is reading this blog, i'll treat this blog as mine. but because of blog ini hak milik 3 razi, to make this blog alive, i will post a little bit bout me. korang kan not care anymore about this blog kan, so, it's okay kan? hoho

by the way, today is 27th of April (friday). UiTM's students know what is going on today kan. final's result is released. goosebumps la juga sometimes but it's normal every semester. so, no need to goosebumps la sangat. kau dah alami every semester kan. Aku tak rasa sangat debaran result keluar tu because i have lots of homeworks to be done. So, at that point of time, i do think a lot about my homeworks rather than my result. Tomorrow morning which means today, before class starts, then baru rasa debaran. Masa tu rasa macam tabah je kan nak tengok result after class. hmmm. tabah la sangat~ Amik laptop, connect wifi, buka email. TADAAAAA! the result is there. in front of my eyes. First word came out from my mouth, Alhamdulillah. Nothing than that because I know Allah always give the best kepada hambanya based on their effort. Worth of it. I'm also glad that my friends dapat result yang cemerlang. Thank Allah :)

We know that we're only a diploma and I also know that mesti korang cakap "alah, dip je pun, senang la dapat dekan or whatever". Opsss excuse me miss and mr. Korang tak pernah alami how the dip is. So, shut up please. 1 semester 8 subjects for 4 months to get all of them clear. Are you nuts? 8 subjects of course finance, costing, business and what so ever that related to accounting but BUT we also must learn other faculties' subjects. Berat you know. Fast Track Dip sounds crazy sometimes but think about the future, it really help us.  Ok lah, we know that we're not clever as the foundation or IB or whatever students. but please respect us just like we respect all of you, the cemerlang, gemilang and terbilang students. ok? easy kan? tak susah pon.   :)

ok, macam lawak je membebel tak tentu arah di sini. hahaha. oh by the way, tonight ada makan-makan at my house. just wanna tell you je lah. i know you cannot come. haha.

one more by the way, :p faris is going to China after mid night. please pray them for the save journey. 1 week tak boleh contact. Alah, 2 month pon dah biase. but kalau contact is much much better kan. :) whatapps still ada what. hehe :)

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